How to load data#

You should read in your model output of choice using xarray; more information on input/output with xarray can be found here.

Note: There are a few functions to read in model output with xroms but they are scheduled to be removed in future versions of xroms.

Some specific notes#


Chunks are used to break up model output into smaller units for use with dask. Inputting chunks into a call to open a dataset requires the use of dask. This can be formalized more by setting up a dask cluster. The best sizing of chunks is not clear a priori and requires some testing.


Some useful keyword argument selections for when using xr.open_mfdataset() are suggested here:

{'compat': 'override', 'combine': 'by_coords',
     'data_vars': 'minimal', 'coords': 'minimal', 'parallel': True}

For example,

xr.open_mfdataset(url, compat='override', combine='by_coords',
     data_vars='minimal', coords='minimal', parallel=True}


Some useful keyword argument selections are for reading in files with xr.open_zarr() are:

{'consolidated': True, 'drop_variables': 'dstart'}

and for concatenating the files together:

{'dim': 'ocean_time', 'data_vars': 'minimal', 'coords': 'minimal'}

Suggested Workflow for xroms:#

  1. Read in model output using the appropriate xarray function.

  2. Supplement your Dataset and calculate an xgcm grid object with:

    ds, xgrid = xroms.roms_dataset(ds)

The function adds z coordinates and other useful metrics to the Dataset, including the z coordinates on each horizontal grid (e.g., z_rho_u), and the z coordinates relative to mean sea level (e.g., z_rho0). It also sets up an xgcm grid object for the Dataset, which is stored necessary for many xroms functions, and can be stored and accessible in the accessor (ds.xroms.xgrid).

There are optional flags for xroms.roms_dataset() for what all metrics to lazily calculate since it can be time-consuming despite being lazily loaded and calculated; see the API docs for details.

Alternatively, roms_dataset() will be run automatically the first time you use the Dataset accessor and xgrid will be stored in the object. Note that the default input flags to roms_dataset() are used in the case and if you want to have more control over that, you can use the following to override the xgrid stored

ds, xgrid = xroms.roms_dataset(ds, [other flags you want to use])

Demo workflow using example dataset#

import xarray as xr
import xroms

ds = xroms.datasets.fetch_ROMS_example_full_grid()
ds, xgrid = xroms.roms_dataset(ds, include_cell_volume=True)

Save output#

After model output has been read in with xarray, it can be used for calculations and/or subsetted, then easily saved back out to a file (in this case saving out only the first time step):
